Freedom – 140 pieces





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FREEDOM is used for the treatment of infectious diseases (WEN BING XUE – heat diseases) or viral diseases. This preparation dispels external and internal turbid dampness/dampness, especially turbid dampness toxins in the WEI FEN, QI FEN (digestive tract) and XUE FEN (blood level).

The specialty of this preparation is that it eliminates the encapsulated Turbid Wetness toxins from the Blood level – XUE FEN and even from the MO YUAN, clears Blood Heat, eliminates Blood stagnation, eliminates the toxins via the QI FEN and clears the Mind (brain).

All four levels are treated. This preparation should also be taken as a preventative measure until there is no longer any risk of infection.



Additional information

Verabreichungsart Tablets 140pcs

Virus (highly contagious epidemic – li qi) > Turbid Damp Heat and Toxins > Penetrates into the lungs, Mo Yuan and Xue Fen > Blood Heat, Blood Stasis, Bleeding > also Lungs Phlegm Heat > Lungs Qi and Blood Stasis


Hou Po Xia Ling Tang, San Ren Tang, Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San, Da Yuan Yin, Tou Shi Zhuan Qi Tang 


Loss of taste and smell, cough, fever or chills, fatigue, heaviness of the limbs, helmet-like headaches, sore throat, fever especially late in the afternoon (up to 38.5), vomiting, diarrhea, oliguria, skin rashes on the face and extremities, risk of thrombosis, risk of pulmonary embolism, shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing, severe acute respiratory syndrome, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, confusion, disorientation, inability to wake or stay awake, bluish lips or face, exhaustion


Wind (Feng), Wind Cold (Feng Han), Wind Heat (Feng Re), Wind Dryness (Feng Zao)




As a preventive measure, 4-6 tablets before each meal 3x a day and additionally 4 tablets of BREAKING THROUGH after each meal to prevent blood stasis (thrombosis). Continue the treatment until there is no epidemy anymore. 

Test positive, but no symptoms:  3 x 10 tablets a day for 12 days, together with 3 x 4 tablets of BREAKING THROUGH after each meal for 12 days.

Test positive with symptoms: 3 x 10 tablets and 3 x 150ml of FREEDOM decoction (before each meal), always together with 3 x 4 tablets of BREAKING THROUGH after each meal for 12 days. 

Daily inhalation with eucalyptus (essential oil), rub SNOW LION BALM on the chest and back, especially before bedtime.

Modifications and supplements: 

NIRIPSA, BREAKING THROUGH, and FREE FLOW TABLETS are essential emergency formulas; all three counteract blood stasis.

BREAKING THROUGH – the best patent formula > blood stasis between heart, lungs and brain – prevents thrombosis, heart attack and brain stroke.

FREE FLOW TABLETS: traumatology – blood stasis in the limbs 

NIRIPSA: blood stasis and pain 

BREAKING THROUGH is recommended for precordial and chest pain (angina pectoris – Xiong Bi), shortness of breath due to blood stasis, 3 x 4 to 6 tablets a day in the acute stage. 


ru mai- soggy, soft, fu mai – floating, superficial


Enlarged, damp and moist 


Greasy, moist, white or yellowish 

Zu vermeiden

Dairy products, yoghurt, all kind of sugar, tropical fruits, bananas, fruit juices, cold drinks and food, green salad, tofu, soja milk, refined carbohydrates, pork meat, sausages, raw meat and fish, sushi, seafood, deep-frozen food and microwaves. Drink only filtered water, never water from the tap, wash your vegetables carefully and never eat raw meat and fishes. In the acute stage, refrain from fried and greasy food and keep a clean and straightforward diet.


REMOVING THE CLOUDS (Shi Wen – Late Summer Diseases), BRIGHT SUMMERTIME (Gastroenteritis), BREAKING THROUGH (Thrombosis between the lungs, heart and brain – best medicine), NIRIPSA (Blood Stasis and pain), FREE FLOW TABLETS (Traumatology – Blood Stasis and pain), WBL GREEN PROTECTION SCREEN (Wind-Heat/Dryness and Toxins)

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